Oral Surgery in Oak Park
Oral surgery is a very common and can remedy a variety of dental problems. Tooth loss and wisdom tooth extraction are just two of the many ailments that can be treated with oral surgery.
An oral surgeon is required for the safe completion of any surgical procedure that takes place. An oral surgeon is very skilled, experienced, and specialized to offer you the most comfortable and highest quality services possible. Our oral surgeons are accompanied by hygienists, assistants, and dentists as needed to ensure the best patient outcome.
If you’re a candidate for oral surgery due to a dental problem, such as wisdom teeth that need to be removed or a lost tooth that needs to be replaced, our staff would be happy to walk you through the process of your proposed treatment plan so that you can get back to your day-to-day life with a healthy, happy smile.
Depending on what oral surgery you require, the recovery period can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Your oral surgeon will be able to advise you on the proposed treatment plan and what it will entail. They can also answer any questions you may have pertaining to numbing, sedation, or your recovery. Some treatments require some follow-up treatment or maintenance, which your dentist will discuss with you prior to your surgery.
Are you experiencing an ailment such as a missing tooth, arriving wisdom teeth, or something else that may require oral surgery? Our professional and caring staff will lay all your choices out for you so that you can make an informed decision and achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.